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Contatti (2)

Contacts Contacts A.C. Interni 33 di A.C. Servizi di Ingegneria s.r.l. Via Federico Garofoli, 3337057 San Giovanni Lupatoto VR For informations This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Socials instagram facebook

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Filosofia (2)

Philosophy Philosophy With a background in the world of restoration, Adele Costantino’s philosophy is based on the respect and preservation of the great Italian manufacturing tradition of fine materials. Her approach to the modern, but respecting tradition, is the key to translating and responding to the needs of each customer with an emphasis on quality, craftsmanship and longevity. Adele Costantino can provide its advice and assistance to a wide variety of projects, from complete renovations to tailor-made pieces, both in Italy and, wherever Made in Italy is known and appreciated. Adele...

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Arredi (2)

Furnishings Knowledge, technique, passion and inspiration: winning concepts for a unique and excellent professional. Adele Costantino, in addition to the reorganization and renovation of the buildings, uses the expertise of the best Italian artisans to create furniture and functional elements on the basis of a peculiar design of Furniture Design, tailored to the tastes and needs of each customer. Adele Costantino, through A.C. Interni 33, also deals with the conceptual design and material of furnishing elements in an artistic and creative unique environments, of inestimable value, adapting...

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Adele Costantino (2)

Adele Costantino INTERNI 33 Adele Costantino by A.C. Interni 33 has been defined "philological restorer or better re-maker” of historical dwellings, passionate philological recuperator of Venetian villas, historic villas, important and prestigious locations where the past has left an indelible mark, locations where the owner can confortably live after a respectful recovery made with quality materials, carried out by adding few recognizable elements and with a special attention to traditional materials and techniques and prestigious piece of forniture. The outcame? New enviroments,...

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Home (2)

Philological restorer or better re-maker Restauro filologico di dimore storiche The mission has always been to promote an unique projects. Adele Costantino di A.C. Interni 33 Unique projects, cut out for each costumer, Adele Costantino by A.C. Interni 33, has been defined "philological restorer or better re-maker” of historical dwellings, passionate philological recuperator of Venetian villas, historic villas, important and prestigious locations where the past has left an indelible mark. Locations where the owner can confortably live after a respectful recovery made with quality...

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A.C. Interni 33 di A.C. Servizi di Ingegneria s.r.l.

Via Federico Gerofoli 33, int 2 VERONA
Codice Fiscale - Partita Iva: 04030930236
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